
Organizing Your Kitchen

An organized kitchen is often the key to staying on track with your dietary needs.  When you have a kitchen that is laid out for easy use, you are more likely to stick with a program of eating healthy.  Whether you are working toward a health and weight loss goal, or trying to avoid allergies this is vital to your success.  Organizing your kitchen can help you keep things clean, simplify food prep, and keep your family well fed.

31 Days of Organizational Tips for Homeschool Moms: Organizing Your Kitchen

Organizing your kitchen will give you just the boost you need to keep things in order while you manage to feed your family healthy meals each day. I've found that keeping my kitchen organized and my sink shined, makes it easier to keep the rest of my house under control too.

31 Days of Organizational Tips for Homeschool Moms: Organizing Your Kitchen

Organizing Your Kitchen

  • Keep the counters clear. One of the biggest things to do when organizing your kitchen is to keep your counters clear.  A clean counter top is easier to work at, as well as making things look cleaner even when you don't have time for a thorough cleaning.   If you have items that need to stay on your counter, provide them with appropriate storage.  Mail, magazines, telephone books and menu lists can be stored in trays, or a shelf on the wall.  Add dry erase boards, chalk boards or other easy to use boards for menus and schedule changes so you can keep your counter clear for other purposes.
  • Add under shelf storage as needed.  Underneath your kitchen cabinets you can add hooks for hanging things like coffee cups, paper towel racks and more.  Under shelf storage can also work inside cabinets for some things like storing lids, etc. to go along with your casserole dishes and storage dishes. I really like these hanging baskets for things like aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and even our water bottles.
  • Purge items that aren't being used.  This one is tough for most of us, but it is necessary.  To properly organize your kitchen you need to make sure you are only keeping items you need and use.  Take the time to go through cabinets, drawers and all storage areas to purge any duplicate items, items with missing pieces, broken items or items you simply haven't used in the last year.  Make exceptions for things with sentimental value like that special bowl your grandma gave you.  If it is something you want to keep, but you don't plan to use you can add it to storage or display it in a curio case or China cabinet instead.  This is also a great time to evaluate what products need to be replaced or updated for better use in your kitchen.
  • Use hooks and racks for accessible storage. Hooks for under shelf storage have already been mentioned, but pots & pan rack hanging from walls and ceilings come in handy at this point as well.  You can hang items like pots and pans easier than storing inside a cabinet where there is wasted space.
  • Install shelving and additional storage helps.  Inside cabinets you may want to add things that allow you to store lids in one location with their bowls or containers next to them.  Sometimes tacking items inside each other is a great choice, but extra shelving can help you add more items inside cabinets with less wasted space.

It is easy to begin organizing your kitchen when you stick to these tips and make sure you are working toward your own goal.  Set up your kitchen to work best for you and your needs.31 Days of Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Looking for more ways to get organized?  Check out the entire 31 Days to an Organized Home series!

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