
Organizing Tips for the Garage

These organizing tips for the garage will have your entire home in order in no time.  If you are tired of parking on the street instead of the garage, this will help you get your car back in it's home. Don't forget to check out the rest of the organizing your home series!

Tips for Organizing the Garage

From cleaning out junk, to setting up proper storage and shelving, you can conquer garage organization with ease using these tips.  Your garage can be the key to keeping your home in order.  When you set things up wisely, you can easily manage to keep things in order all the time.  A garage can be a hub not just for the men in your life, but for the whole family.

Tips for Organizing the Garage

Organizing Tips for the Garage

Purge broken or unused items.  Everyone tosses things into the garage to fix later, but rarely do those things actually get repaired.  Take the time to go through everything and purge broken items.  If it is something you truly want to save and fix, then set aside and get the parts to fix it. If it has been there unused for a significant amount of time, then move it out to donate or throw away.  Contact your local Habitat for Humanity to pick up items that are in good condition but no longer needed.  Give back to your community while making extra space in your garage for things you want to keep and use!

Put things in their place. You will likely find a multitude of items that belong somewhere else inside your home. Take the time to put items back into their homes.  If they don't have a place inside, but don't fit in the garage consider where it would be best to store.  The attic may be an option for many things, but you may also find additional storage shelves inside your garage can come in handy.

Add shelving and storage hooks.  The right storage will make a huge difference.  Invest in shelving units for large boxes and totes.  Hang pegboards and hooks for tools and smaller items.  For bicycles and larger items you can add hooks to the ceiling to hang them safely.  The proper storage products can make it much easier to keep your garage clear so you can park your car inside easily. For yard tools, consider purchasing a special rack or hanging them along the garage walls.

Store like items together.  Another added step toward best garage organization is to make sure you are putting the right things together.  Gather al tools and store them close to each other.  Sports equipment should go together.  Supplies and decorations for holidays can go together. By grouping like items together you will make it easier to locate what you want, as well as keep things organized at all times.  When you know where things should be placed it is much easier to keep up on getting them back in the right places all the time.

When it comes to organizing the garage, every family has different needs.  The most important things to consider come in how you will store things.  Shelving, hooks, peg boards and large plastic totes are the most common methods of storage.  Choose what works best for your family and invest in quality to last for years to come.
31 Days of Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Looking for more ways to get organized?  Check out the entire 31 Days to an Organized Home series!

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